About me

I'm a Software Engineer, Digging Code creator, Contributor & Developer to open-source projects, and Experienced in solving software problems.

As a Software Engineer, I have an established history of working in that field for many years with hard work and much good feedback from Specialized Developers worldwide and Clients on Freelancing Platforms.

As a Contributor to open-source projects, I'm passionate about contributing to open-source projects. I have contributed to dozens of projects such as Laravel FrameworkOrchid Platform, and select2 Package.

In addition, I like to create open-source projects to make life developers better, easier, and more convenient so, I created Custom Fresh for Laravel Developers and M.R Darkest Theme for VS Code Users plus much more Full Laravel Projects. I am ready to present more to make developers happier.

As a Software Problems Solver, I'm a contributor on Stack Overflow where I answered dozens of questions over many years these questions wrapped around many Languages, and Frameworks like SQLPHP, and Laravel Framework.

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